Where Science and the Arts come together
Welcome to the Digital Music Lab! Founded and directed by Associate Professor of Music Matthew Woolhouse, the Digital Music Lab (DML), within the School of the Arts at McMaster, undertakes interdisciplinary research into how music is used, embodied, and experienced by individuals and groups.
We recognize and acknowledge that the lab is located on the traditional territories of the Mississauga and Haudenosaunee nations, and within the lands protected by the “Dish With One Spoon” wampum agreement.

Research Areas
See what’s going on in the lab

Music & Dance
How do we move to music? What are the beneficial effects of dance?

Music & Memory
What affects our ability to remember a musical key?

Music & People
Is there a link between personality and music preference?

Tonal Attraction
Can the dynamic ‘ebb and flow’ of music be predicted using a cognitive model?
Key Meetings
Below are some of the key meetings, seminars, and workshops attended by members of the Digital Music Lab

International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition ICMPC Website
The International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) is an interdisciplinary conference devoted to the dissemination of new, unpublished research relating to the field of music perception and cognition.

Neuromusic MIMM Website
The McMaster Institute for Music and the Mind hosts an annual full-day Scientific Conference at McMaster. Each year, four or five prominent Music Cognition researchers from around the world are invited to present their latest research as it relates to a chosen theme.

Society for Music Perception & Cognition SMPC Website
The Society for Music Perception and Cognition is a not-for-profit organization for researchers and others interested in music perception and cognition.

Cognitively Based Music Informatics Research CogMIR Website
CogMIR is a community of academic and industry researchers engaged in music informatics informed by theory and research from the field of music cognition.