Thesis Student, Singer, Dancer
BSc in PNB (Mental Health Spec.) - Level 5 @ McMaster University
Claire is in her fifth year of undergraduate studies in the Mental Health Specialization of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour. She became part of the Digital Music Lab in her fourth year when she did her individual lab studies. She is now working on her thesis. Outside of academia, Claire performs in plays and musicals, as she has been singing and dancing ever since she was a child. When she is not in rehearsal, she prefers to be at home crocheting and baking, or outside walking her dog.
Information Box Group
Thesis Project
Claire is working on a project in music education.
Laura has an interest in linguistics, languages, and psychology, so she completed her BA in Cognitive Science of Language in 2017. She then rerouted her education to include her love of music, and is currently a fourth-year student in the B. Music, Music Cognition program, studying Classical Voice with Charlene Santoni. Laura is very excited to be working on her undergraduate thesis, which will combine her knowledge from both degrees. When not studying, singing, or learning other instruments, Laura enjoys the visual arts, going to ballet class, and dreaming of getting her motorcycle license.

Thesis Student
BMus (Music Cognition) - Level 4 @ McMaster University
Information Box Group
Language, Music & Memory
How does language influence memory for a nonadjacent musical key?

Thesis Student, oboist
BMus (Music Cognition) - Level 4 performance diploma, minor in biochemistry @ McMaster University
Sarphina is currently working to help develop a STEM & Music double major degree at McMaster. Sarphina is a third-cultural child who grew up in both Hong Kong and Canada. With the constant moving in her life, she’s found belonging in music and theatrical arts. She also has a broad-based of interest and is always ready to meet new friends or explore something new. In her spare time, she watches political satires, goes running, or goes on spontaneous road trips!
Information Box Group
STEM & Music degree
Combining STEM and Music into a double major degree at McMaster